Tuesday 10 August 2010

book reviews: cassette from my ex

Book adaptation of the blog: http://www.cassettefrommyex.com

The book has some very interesting stories in which people share stories regarding mixtapes they have recieved from past partners, the reason this tape was made and the reasonings behind the songs. I havent read the book in its entirety as it is quite a long book.

"I had forgotten about the tape. It was a meaningful gift from I boy I use to love, but I had not forgotten about it’s heart, it’s beauty, and it ‘s ability to make me feel unrepentantly giddy.It is completely homemade, the case is constructed out of cardboard, the song list incorporated into a letter, lovingly typed on yellowing paper and glued, strip by strip, sentence by sentence, onto the outside of the case. It’s filled in with indie rock typical of the era, the Replacements, the Pogues, and Bonnie “Prince” Billy. It’s true eclecticism, heartfelt earnestness, and oddball nature is a mirror of the maker."

The artwork and photography of the book is a great resource for design ideas. I have added a few scanned images to my flickr photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/weheartmixtapes/

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